Friday, October 18, 2019

Orgnistionl context of PEPSI INC Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Orgnistionl context of PEPSI INC - Assignment Example Stakeholders are generally defined as any individuals or organizations who have the ability to directly or indirectly affect or are affected by the operations of a program. (Wnous, Reichers, Mlik, 2004) In Pepsi Inc there are two main distinctions concerning the type of stakeholder: internal and external. Internal stakeholders are typically all employees, and might include specific groups such as agency managers; program managers; front-line supervisors; direct-service employees; subject matter experts or occupational specialists; and evaluation, planning, and budgeting staff. External stakeholders are individuals or groups outside the organization that regularly exercise actions that can promote, inhibit, or change the operations of the organization. Types of external stakeholders who might participate include: elected officials, interest groups, union representatives, the media, customers, and citizens. Powerful externl stkeholders re cpble of dominting n orgnistion's strtegy. It i s importnt to scertin ech stkeholder's level of interest concerning the orgnistionl purposes nd strtegic choices, nd the level of power they yield. Implementing stkeholder mpping mtrix provides n insight into this, which in turn fcilittes the understnding of Pepsi Inc's politicl priorities. 4. Corporte strtegy Pepsi Inc brnd nmes re mong the best-known nd most respected in the world. Some of the Pepsi Inc brnd nmes re 100 yers old, but the corportion is reltively young. Pepsi Inc. ws founded in 1965 through the merger of Pepsi-Col nd Frito-Ly. Tropicn ws cquired in 1998. In 2001, Pepsi Inc merged with the Quker Ots Compny, creting the world's fifth-lrgest food nd beverge compny, with 15 brnds - ech generting more thn $1 billion in nnul retil sles. The success of PepsiCo is the result of superior products, high stndrds of performnce, distinctive competitive strtegies nd the high level of integrity of our people. Compny's overriding objective is to increse the vlue of our shreholders' investment through integrted operting, investing nd finncing ctivities. Pepsi's strtegy is to concentrte our resources on growing our businesses, both through internl growth nd crefully selected cquisitions. Corporte strtegy is continully fine-tuned to ddress the opportunities nd risks of the globl mrketplce. T he corportion's success reflects our continuing commitment to growth nd focus on those businesses where we cn drive our own growth nd crete opportunities. Pepsi's Keys of Corporte Governnce nd Business Ethics: strong record of community support nd corporte citizenship, contributing through The PepsiCo Foundtion, which includes grnts to orgniztions, support of employee volunteerism nd mtching gifts. Commitment to culture of inclusion, providing equl opportunity nd workplce where ll employees hve the opportunity to rech their potentil. Commitment to helping employees blnce their work nd home lives. Cultivtion diverse supplier bse, purchsing growing percentge of our products from minority- nd women-owned firms. Striving to develop

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